Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday June 30, 2008

I’m so confused...

He complains that he never gets to see her...
and when he has the time he's off hanging out with his friends 
and doing other stuff...

And once again he's back to the same old routine...Says he'll do this or that
and then he goes and does something else. I guess somewhere along the way 
I really am stupid.  I keep trying and in the end I'm the one that's let down.

Oh, and did you know that when a guy loves a girl he doesn't cheat on her?
Instead...he treats her like crap while she's carrying his child...
That's a new one to me too.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday June 29, 2008

Never In My Wildest Dreams...

Did I expect to be a mommy @ this age...but now that I am a mommy...I wouldn't change it for the world! Serenity is a blessing in disguise...dirty diapers and all ^_^ 

I always thought that I would be happily married before going down this path...and now here I am. A mommy. Single one at that...but it's okay.  Cause there are plenty of women whose done this before...and I know that with the help of family and friends I know that I am going to be able to make it through this. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Adjusting to Parenthood

Last week was the first time that Serenity caused me to stay up all night.
For some reason she just wouldn't sleep.
Lately I've been napping when she naps...
but @ night i sleep late.
just cause i know she'll wake up for a middle of the night feeding...
then after the feeding i go to sleep...

during the day it's sleep...bottle...change diapers...and repeat
Ricky comes to visit her when he's got time and hopefully after July 4th, Serenity & I will be staying at Ricky's on the least that's the plan

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Here are some pictures of my bundle of joy.
Totally overdue...but hopefully I'll be back to update soon ^_^

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life as a New Mommy

Wow...39 weeks in the making and after being in the labor and delivery room from 5:30 am to 9 pm...and then being in the hospital from Tuesday to Saturday...I'm a mommy.

It's so amazing...

Serenity is really a life changing experience...I never knew how much pain childbirth is :/
I totally give props to those who went without the epidural...I attempted to do it without but by the time I was at 4 contractions were 2 minutes apart and they were longer than 10 seconds was not a pretty sight. Ricky and my mommy was with me throughout the whole delivery...and my oldest sister Cathy left the poboy shop before the doctor came to finish the delivery. All in all...I'm glad that those three were there...Mom & Cathy were in amazement of how I was so calm...that epidural was my best friend for the last hour of the pregnancy.

I truly wanted to go through the whole delivery process without having to get the epidural, but when my body was not cooperating with the medicine and dilating as quick as the contractions I realized that if I continued without it then when I needed to push, I wouldn't have been able to because of the I gave in and when that epidural hit totally hit me...I was just chilling. After the epidural I was more worried about Ricky fainting than I was with the delivery. I kept asking him if he was okay cause the nurse was like okay...push. I'd push, and then she'd say that they see the head. My mom and my sister were like OMG the head! We see hair!

Ricky kept OMG...and when the doctor finally came in, he told me to push...and then stop. When I stopped pushing I looked at Ricky and he was like OMG I see her! Then the doctor handed him the scissors to cut the umbilical cord...apparently the look on his face was priceless cause the blood kinda sorta splattered everywhere...the nurse and Cathy couldnt stop laughing...I wasnt looking at him cause I was looking at Serenity...heheh

Apparently the nurses at the hospital or whoever did her paperwork couldn't spell Serenity cause all of the paperwork ended up being labeled BG Nguyen :/

Thank you to everyone that came to visit us while we were in the hospital. ^_^

We were supposed to go home Thursday, but Serenity ended up getting newborn jaundice. We had to put her underneath the light for 2 days. They discharged us on Saturday and we came back to the hospital Sunday & Monday for bloodwork. Now...we're home.

All she's doing so far is eat, sleep, and poop. On occasion she'll stay up and look at the lights and make funny faces at me or whoever is around...but other than that she's been really easy to handle. Of course everyone says the first month is easy.

Last night she woke me & mommy up at around 3, we fed her, changed her and she went back to bed. But I couldn't sleep cause my boobies hurt like a freaking mofo :/
All this freaking milk in my needs to go away cause I'm not liking the feeling. AT ALL!

Who would have 23 being a mommy...
I'm all grown up now...