In less than a month you will be turning 4. It's amazing how much you've grown into such a little lady. Once again, I pray and I hope that I do everything right by you. I hope that you realize that my decisions that I make are ones that at the present moment seems to be the best for the best of us. I sit and ponder, and think that things would be so much easier if I was able to foresee the future. That would defeat the purpose of life's lessons wouldn't it though baby girl?
The days are going by pretty routine now for you. You spend your days being curious and amazed by all the little things that any 3 year old is intrigued with. You still get excited when I leave and come back...your eyes twinkle and light up knowing that Mommy is home, and for me that is one of the greatest feeling that I can ever feel. I will always cherish that feeling.
Remember, no matter how old you matter how much you may know...there is one thing that will never ever will always be my baby girl.
Ricky has been contacting Mommy and asking about you while he is in New Zealand. He is flying home in a few weeks...right before your birthday. He's looking forward to seeing you and spending time with you when he's here. I am not quite sure what the plans are yet while he's here but I'm sure we will figure that out when he gets here.
Mommy and Daddy Moon took you, Bianca, and Veronica to go strawberry picking in Hammond a few weeks ago. You enjoyed it very much. The weather was perfect!!! And you were very helpful ^_^ They gave us these little wooden crates and the plastic didn't want to carry the wanted the crate...that thing was about as big as you...hahaha...just kidding!
You'd see the strawberries...pick every other one and put the others in the basket. Had to keep a close eye on you though cause you would pick ALL the strawberries...even if they were not red. And I think you were also torn because you wanted to go with your cousins or Daddy Moon instead of with Mommy since I yelled at you to make sure you got the right strawberries...sorry baby girl. Just keeping a close eye on you...^_~ Regardless, that was a fun day ^_^
Now this picture...this was funny. Grandpa was resting and Mommy did not want you to keep popping those freaking bubbles...So instead of popping placed it over your head and looked at me and said..."Mommy! I'm a princess! Look at my long hair!" :)
The many faces of Serenity Thuong Nguyen ^_^ |
Saturday after Mommy got off work we went out to Ms. Kimmie again. This time we both got manicures and pedicures. We curled your hair again and by the time everything was done, you were all tuckered out! Getting all pretty gets you tired, doesn't it baby girl?
I got this idea in my head...not quite sure how it will work out but I figured it wouldn't be a bad thing to try...
If I take you to get all this done will end up in one of two ways...
1- You will LOVE it and will be okay with it...
2- You will HATE it and will not want to do it again for a long long time...
And these, are just one of the VERY VERY few thoughts that run through Mommy's head.
Yesterday was your cousin Bianca's 3rd birthday. For the next 4 weeks you two will be the same age...Then you will be 4. I am not quite sure how to describe your relationship you have with your cousin...When you guys are two never seem to get along...but when you have not seen one another for a long period of time and then you see each guys are the best of least for the first 5 minutes. You will run up to one another, say your hellos, and hug like there is no tomorrow...Regardless...I hope that you two stay close.
August is fast approaching...I have no idea what I am going to do when it's time for you to start Pre-K. Should I let you go? Should I keep you out till kindergarten? Once again, if I could foresee the future, decisions in the present would be so much easier to make. Just know I WANT you to go to school. Only problem is I'm not quite sure I will have anyone available to be with you when you're out of school. I don't know if anyone can pick you up...I don't know if anyone will be at home if you take the bus...Everything is up in the air right now after your grandpa's surgery. We don't know how much longer his recovery will take...Mommy being home and helping him is also taking a toll on me. I think it's making a big impact on EVERYONE in the family. We have so much going on...I am trying my best to stay away from everyone and I don't know what to do. If my decisions I make will only affect me...I would make them because I know that eventually I will be okay. Now...with you in the picture...Daddy Moon in the picture...I am not quite sure of what to do...
These small moments that we share will forever be etched in my heart and my mind. I want to remember it all...And I will do whatever I can to recall all our fun times and memories.
I hope that by now this blog is beginning to make sense to you. These are the times and memories that you will probably won't be able to remember...and I am doing EVERYTHING I can to make sure that these are memories I will NEVER forget.
Forever and always,