Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Monday, September 2, 2013

You are officially a Kindergartener!

Dear Serenity,

Congratulations my love!
Welcome to the beginning of a 13 year journey.  Then after that depending on what career you wish to pursue, that could be additional years added on. Don't say I never warned you. 
Look at how cute you look! I didn't have a printer to print out the chalkboard sign, so I just downloaded it and screen shot it with your Ipad.  How do you like that for being green?!? LoL

Let's would I summarize your first two weeks of school?  We had open house on 08.27.2013.  Surprisingly, your teacher, Miss. Laura Vance told me that you barely talk in class.
Let me tell you...that was a HUGE shocker for me.  You talk ALL THE TIME at home. To tell you the truth that was one of my biggest concerns...I was afraid the teacher would have me on speed dial the entire day while you were in class.  You seem to get a long with everyone in class so I'm very grateful for that. And, we have a deal as well.  If you receive purple smiley faces for the week, then you get to pick out a toy! You had a green one on Monday of last week, but thats okay.  It's still good.  Just don't go anywhere below green and you and I will be okay.  No time outs and no taking away your Ipad. 

You have started learning your letters.  This year that whole common core stuff is launching.  You don't have it easy in kindergarten like Mommy did.  All I ever did in kindergarten was cut, color, paste, and NAPTIME.  They took that away now.  No more naptime.  Maybe that's why when you get home you knock out so early!
See, this is what you look like after school.  It's okay. I still think you're a cutie!

I have your daily schedule too! Oh, and you're taking French! Why? I have no idea...but that's one of your ancillaries they have you doing.
You are not riding the bus to and from school...I drop you off and pick you up.  I get you to wake up for 7:00 AM. 7:15 AM at the latest. You are normally done changing and whining by 7:30 AM to be at the kitchen table for breakfast.  While you eat breakfast, I take care of your lunch and by 7:50 AM - 8:00 AM we are headed out the door.  Drop you off at school by 8:15AM (at the latest) and then off to work I go.  I can't leave work earlier to come get you for when school is out at 3:30 PM so you are there in after school day care.  I get you approximately at 5:00 PM. 
$60 a week and I have to have you picked up by 5:30 PM, I do believe I've got our schedule figured out.
You don't eat lunch at school, I pack your lunch. A lot of people seems to think I'm depriving you of the school lunches, but of course they don't know how you are when it comes to eating.
You love to take your time eating. For whatever the reason, you do.  And if you eat the school lunches, then I will not be able to monitor how much of it you it.  Now on the other hand, packing your lunch, I am able to know how much of it you eat during school.  And lately, you've been doing a very good job eating all of your lunch.
Your lunch mainly consists of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cold cut pinwheels, and some fruits and veggies.
Instead of a boring old lunch, I've been using a Hello Kitty bento box. 
Today I just got some more supplies to make more sandwich shapes!  I'm so excited! I think I'm more excited about packing your lunch than you are at seeing the different shapes in your lunch!
Whatever you don't finish at lunch time, I make you finish when I pick you up.  After school snack and lunch in one! Go me! My brain works sometimes. Lol!
I have a parent - teacher conference at 7:30 AM on the 24th of September. You will need to remind me that I have that conference with your teacher.
This is a start of a new adventure for us Princess.  Please know I am doing my best when it comes to you.
Oh yes! Before I forget, Aunt Emaly has you signed up for swimming lessons this month at the YMCA.  Thank her when you see her.  Now if only I can figure out where the dang YMCA she signed you up for is located...we'd be good to go! I have two days. I'll figure it out.
But as I was saying...Being a parent never came with a manual. And even if it did I'd probably wouldn't have read it.  So it's one of those "play by ear" type experiences. Just know that no matter what may happen...I will never stop loving you.

Hugs and kisses Princess,