Friday, February 29, 2008
Effects of PregnancyI have NEVER felt the way I am feeling now...And frankly I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. I just wish I knew the reason why I feel the way I feel.Serenity is starting to kick more often now. It's so weird...neat, but weird all at the same time. So many things are going through my mind. Like how am I going to be a mommy? Half the people I meet tell me that as time goes by I'll get the hang of it. Is it true? I just wish I knew. In this case, I bet if you give me a handbook on how to be a mommy, I'd still suck. I don't know...This week has been a terrible and emotional rollercoaster for me. So many things are going on...Mommy and Daddy are planning their trip to Vietnam...and it's either going to be right before Serenity's birth...or after. I don't think they are going to be here for her one month celebration. oh well... |