Hello my baby!
Mommy has something to tell you. And mommy does not plan on telling this to anyone else but you. Only you are going to know the true feelings that your daddy feels for me. If anyone else knows this, they will never allow me to go and make us a family. I guess that's more of a reson for me to say something to others. Do you know through, Mommy's ex boyfriend (Nhat) has been a great friend. Even though he's not my boyfriend anymore. I know if anything is bothering me, I can go to Nhat and he can calm me down. Your father on the other hand, mostly makes it worse for me. Your father thinks that I cheated on him. I didn't, but I can't change the way your father feels. He feels that I'm weak and that I'm not going to be a good mother. Little does he know, I am going to be a better Mommy to you than he will be a father. Mommy's had a few doctor's appointments that your father said he would come with me. The day came and he never goes. False hope huh Baby? Don't worry. No matter what happens with your father and I, you will always have me. Not only that, but you'll also have Auntie Mommy and Daddy Martin, Uncle Timmy and Auntie Oanh, we don't know about your Auntie Emaly....but you have your Auntie Nhi. I think in a sense you Auntie Nhi is more excited about you than I am. Ha ha! Not even here and you are already loved by so many. Julie, Lindy, Mrs. Latimer, Mr. Morgan - So many people who has never met you, loves you. Especially me! No one will ever take you away from me. I promise. Especially not your father. I'm sorry! Everything is happening like this. Just know that you are loved. It may not be from the people that I would want to love you, but it's okay. We all care for you one way or another.
Love always,
Confessions of a Single Mother
Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happiness seems so far away...
Everyday seems to go by slower and slower than the previous.
I have so many thoughts running through my head...and no one seems to understand why. Half the time I'm still trying to figure out why those thoughts are running through my mind.
I've been working full time at Cox and then helping my sister at the po-boy shop. I'm so worn out and tired and I don't know if it's due to the fact that I'm just not physically fit to work the way I am working, or if it's in regards to the pregnancy. On top of that...even though I'm trying my best to help out in any way...it's as if all I end up doing is making it worse.
I have no idea what is going through Ricky's mind when it comes to this relationship or even to this baby. He says one thing, and his actions says another. But then again, that's how everyone is at one time or another. Like he says on his myspace...In life you make choices and you don't look back...so if you don't look back then you gotta look forward, right? But how is it that you are to look forward...when it's nothing but rain clouds and despair? So many people have their own opinions when this pregnancy is concerned...
-why am I keeping this child?
-am I going to be able to support this child?
-who is going to take care of the baby when I go back to work?
-Is Ricky going to be around to help?
-why do i stress out so much?
-boy or girl?
-am I sure keeping this child is the right thing?
-what if i fail?
-what if i end up being a horrible mother?
-are you eating enough?
-are you resting enough?
-are you getting enough nutrients?
Funny thing is everyone fails to realize that I've thought it through. At this moment in time I'm just taking one day at a time and pray that things will fall into place.
As far as the relationship between Ricky and I is concerned, I know that we end up being at ends with each other more often than not...but at the same time I've come to a conclusion. with OR without him...I will be okay. Of course I'd rather be with him because I do love and care for him. I just sometimes wonder if the feeling is mutual. That is something I will never get to understand. Luckily, I've got the support of many friends and family and most importantly...I have myself. If you can't depend on yourself...who will depend on you. I have an appointment on Monday morning with the doctor. Hopefully they may be able to tell me the sex of the baby. I'm not sure if they are going to be doing an ultrasound...but I guess we'll see. Well it's getting late...and I have work in the morning.
Hope everyone has sweet dreams...
Kay & Baby
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas Baby!
It's my 1st Christmas with you! While you're in my tummy...next year...it'll be your first Christmas! By that time I'll get to hold you in my arms...hug you and kiss you! Along with everyone else too! Funny huh? Technically, I'm at the end of my fourth month...five more months to go! Mommy's got a doctor's appointment Monday at 9:15 AM. Hopefully you are developing along. I'm so scared that I'm not eating right for the both of us. More for you than me. I just hope its enough nutrients for you. I need to get on the WIC program. Start saving up the formula for you.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Boy or Girl???What's all happened so far? Simple. I've graduated from college! (only took me five years and over 20k in tuition)and I'll be a mommy...so without futher ado... Everyone...meet my bundle of joy. (I am thinking of him/her as a graduation gift to myself) 3 months in counting.... So many thoughts and emotions are running through my mind. I just wish I knew what it all means... ![]() |
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