Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dear Serenity,

I guess now is better than any other to tell you about the day you were born.

Daddy picked me and grandma up from grandma's house and we made it to the hospital for 5:30 AM on June 3rd, 2008.
We went up to the room and I got settled in.
The connected the meds and stuff that was needed to start the labor.
I was able to feel the contractions...I barely dilated...after 7 hours I was only dilated a few centimeters. So @ 12:30 PM they broke the water bag and after that whenever the contractions came I was starting to feel the pain come more and more 2:30 PM I was in so much pain. They gave me some pain medicine and I took a nap and eventually the contractions were way too intense I had to get the epidural.
Honestly, that was the best decision I have made in my life!
@ 6:00 they administered the epidural.  I was at 4 hour after the epidural, I was fully dilated and ready to go.
I had to stall for a bit cause your auntie Cathy was on her from the poboy shop. When she arrived, we were ready to bring you into the world.
Dr. Aycock started to have me push and stop. Push and stop. Push and stop...push push push push push...and out you came. Head full of hair and all.
It was kinda funny cause when the epidural was finally working its magic...I was laying in the bed texting everyone
that was amazing.
in labor and still giving updates...
And when you came....Daddy had to cut your umbilical cord.  Took him 3 tries to do it...I wish the nurse had a picture of your face. It was priceless. Unfortunately all she got was the scissor and the umbilical cord.

You only took 14 hours and 20 minutes to grace us with your presence.
And as you grew older I couldnt wait for your next milestone.
I remembered you would just lay in bed.
and stare at me.
I would wonder what you were thinking.
Then you started to roll over...
When that happened i waited for you crawl.
Once you were able to crawl I waited for you to walk.
You walked for Daddy before you walked for me.
And now your running...
I'm going to keep up with you if its the last thing I do.

Okay...its time we watch finding Nemo.
Mommy loves you :)

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