Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And Some Things Never Change

Dear Serenity,

Your father just called.  He wants to have you every other week.
I can tell you right now, until the court orders for him to have you every other week, you will not be with him for a week at a time. 
So our arrangement is that he can have you every other weekend.
Granted that if there is a weekend that I would like to have you and it's your weekend with him, I can keep you that weekend and he will get you the following 2 weekends to make up for loss time. 
Today, since I turned him down with the whole every other week, he tells me that he already has plans with you for Memorial Day weekend. (Your own father doesn't even know holidays cause if he did, he'd realize that Memorial Day already passed, just like he cant get it straight that you have my last name and not his.) So I text him and informed him that I've already asked about that with my lawyer.  And he calls me and he tells me

"I need to have her on my weekends or bad things will happen to you."
Then he hangs up the phone.

Really?! Now he's going to threaten me?! Because of a weekend? Or is it the fact that he has not been a part of your life the way he wants to be? As if I don't have enough going on in our lives, and your father decides he is going to threaten me.

Funny thing is, I have no problem with you being with him but I just find it kinda odd that he will be able to support you. Come July 15, he will be 3 months and $33.21 to be exact.  And he can't even keep up with that.  How does he plan on taking care of you when you are with him? Maybe its cause he feels that I won't go as far as to take this back to court and fight for all parental rights of you.  Or he feels that I won't report the missed month of child support...what am I supposed to do? I've given him plenty of choices and now I am left pondering on what to do. How to go about doing it and when to do it?

Wanna know what is really the kicker? On Friday July 1, your father text me letting me know he has your child support money for the June. Here is our conversation:

Friday, July 01, 2011

07:39 PM Khe Nguyen : Did u find the credit union?
07:43 PM Serenitys Daddy: Yeah no I didn't have time to go there so I just grabbed a money order during my errands
  It's not much but it's all I got
07:44 PM Khe Nguyen : Do u think u can deposit it tomorrow?
  How much do u have?
07:44 PM   Serenitys Daddy ): I can or I can just give u the money order
07:45 PM It's 200
07:45 PM   Khe Nguyen : I wont be home till after 8.
07:45 PM   Serenitys Daddy : It's 200
07:45 PM   Khe Nguyen : Its up to u.
07:45 PM   Serenitys Daddy : And I got 20 to do groceries for the
07:46 PM Khe Nguyen : :s
  Thats not enough...wait. This month is over -_-
  U mean july?!
07:46 PM   Serenitys Daddy : Whatever is more convenient for u
  Yes duh

How does he plan on taking care of you properly with just $20 bucks for groceries?

This past weekend he sent you back to me with the same pants you wore on Friday when he picked you up.  Here's the kicker, he couldn't even wash the pants before putting you back in it.

One of his main concerns was having to see me and deal with me. So I decided I would open up a savings account so that he can directly deposit the money into the account for you.  I even text him the directions to the bank so that he can deposit the money for you.  Not only that but he can keep the deposit slips so that if any time later on I come back and say that he didn't pay, he would have the deposit slips to prove that he made the deposit.  But even then, he can't seem to locate the bank and to make the deposit.  Which is fine, as long as you get your money. Wait, he still owes you -__-

I'm trying to be the bigger person, and frankly I believe I have been. But he really likes to push buttons...

Loving you always,

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