Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Although It Didn't Work Out Between Us

Dear Serenity,

Tonight, you got to see Ricky, Thelma, and Temperance.  Your first time seeing your baby sister.  I can't help be see you in her.  I bet it's Ricky's eyes.  You weren't on your best behavior, but I hope that Ricky will keep up these calls with you.  Not quite sure how often he will be able to see you, but I'm hoping it gets more often.  It didn't work out between us, but as I've stated before to you...our love for you will never diminish.  If anything, that is the one thing we have in common. 

It's been almost 2 years since you've actually had steady time with Ricky.  I'm not sure how much of Ricky you remember, but I know that you have not forgotten who he is.  I remembered when we first finished with the court proceedings.  That first weekend with Ricky when it was time for him to drop you off, you cried so much.  As the weeks passed, you didn't cry anymore.  It became routine. And eventually you would see Ricky and get excited, and when it came time to come home to me you hugged and kissed him and waited again. 

In the past 2 years you've grown so much.  Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for having you in my life.  One of the most popular questions everyone seems to ask me is if I could have changed anything about my past, would I.  Without any hesitation, I tell them there's nothing I would change.  Why? Because if my past was changed, I wouldn't have you. 

I'm sorry I'm working so much.  8-12 hour shifts, 6 days a week...Doesn't really leave much time for mommy daughter bonding.  But I promise you that one day Mommy will be at home with you.  Just a little bit longer and I will be finished with my Master's degree.  Once I get that teaching position, Mommy will get to spend more time with you.  Struggle now for a greater gain in the long run, right baby girl? 

I'm so excited that you are starting school in the fall!  We have less than 2 months left... August 12 you will be starting Kindergarten!!! I'm looking forward to going school supply shopping with you!
Then there's also the bus rides...still not sure if you will be riding the bus yet, but we will see...I'm sure Grandpa will be dropping off and picking you up.  That's something to look forward too this year, isn't it??? 

Oh yes, you received your birthday card from Ricky.  We now know that mail from New Zealand takes roughly 3 weeks to get to us. 
I would send something back to Ricky, but he didn't leave a return address for me to send it that way...Maybe next time...

Sweet dreams my princess,


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