Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

6 weeks left...and Counting

I have never felt excited and nervous all at once.
I'm so looking forward to becoming a mommy. In a sense it kinda frightens me.
Things between her father and I is still where it was before. We're not together and as sad as it seems that is the case, it might be better off that way. Some people are meant to be together and others were meant not. I knew I should have not gotten into a relationship. Now I don't know what I feel.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday April 23, 2008

I Think I Miss You

I think I miss you.
Well...when you know for sure...lemme know.
I think I miss you too, when I know for sure, I'll let you know. Deal?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

While Everyone Was Out...

 @ Coffee Call, Nhi & I fiddled with the camera and took pictures.  I think the pictures came out really cute ^_^
stnlove duckonbelly2
nameonbelly3 kissyduck
piconbelly 32 weeks
Lately Serenity and Duckie has been getting acquainted.  Her Auntie Nhi & Kristie told me that while I am sleeping in the hospital...they are going to dress Serenity up in a duck suit.  Therefore, eversince then, I've associated plenty of duck things to Serenity.  I've purchased 2 outfits with duckies on them and gotten her the duck plush.  I also went and go some more clothes for her...and I have a co-worker that recently had a baby girl that has been helping me with some 0-3 month clothes for Serenity.  Ricky text me one day and said he got clothes for too, but I haven't seen him since Tuesday night...and I havent heard from him since Thursday.  So where does that leave us?  Simple.  Serenity's mommy and daddy. Nothing more. Nothing less. @ least not now.  Who knows what the future will hold right?

Things have been slowly getting better for me.  Plenty of people are comforting me and for the time being...Not having Ricky a part of my's okay. And I've come to terms with that.  Like EVERYONE says...right now it's not about Ricky &'s about Serenity.  And she's top priority for me right now.  Whether or not her father thinks of her...that I don't know.  Amazingly as it seems, his friends seems to worry about my well-being and hers more than he does.  I don't know.  He confuses me.  One moment he'll be the person I met and fell in love with....and then he'll the next minute he'll completely ignore me.  I'd have more respect for him if he was to answer the phone when I call and tell me that he doesn't want to talk to me rather than ignore me...but we can't have what we always want.  He told me he doesn't want to be in the delivery room when Serenity comes...don't know if it's cause he doesn't care...or if he can't handle being in that environment.  If that's the case, he might as well head to South Carolina for his sister's wedding.  Least he can do is be unselfish and make one of us happy.  Not like he's making me happy now O_o
Not seeing him or talking to him was difficult at first.  But as Serenity flips and turns in my doesn't even matter anymore.  Why should we care, if he doesn't.  At the rate this is going...if I get the 3d ultrasound, no point in calling him to come.  And when I go into labor, no point in calling him either.  Maybe after she comes we can call him to come meet her.  But than again, why should I call when he knows my number to call and see how we are doing.  If he truly cares...he'd call.  But since he doesn't call...I guess that would be that he doesn't care?
Not too far into the pregnancy, some people had told me that there is a way that he can be there for the baby and not for me.  He recently told me the same thing.  And at first I didn't understand it.  I mean....until she's born she's a part of me...and then I thought about it.  And I guess they are right.  He can be there for the baby and not for me.  I understand it now.  Doctor's appointments, ultrasound, baby classes....if he can be there for the baby and not for me he would attend such appointments.  Whether big or small...he would still go.  I've got 7 appointments ...2 ultrasounds....and 2 baby classes (scheduled so far).  Out of all of this...he's only been to 1 appointment and 1 ultrasound.  The first ultrasound was scheduled December 4th @ 8:00 am.  He didn't go to it because he couldn't wake up.  But yet about a week or two earlier, he was able to get up at 6:00 am and go with his best friend and his little sister to New Orleans for a modeling tryout.  Last time I checked, 6 came before 8 O_o  The first baby class was held April 8th & 9th. The class basically showed couples how to identify when labor was actually taking place and other comfort measures that support person can assist the mothers.  I guess since he didn't care to be in the delivery room there was no point in him going cause on the day of the class, he tells me he didn't like the way I was acting and he didn't go.  The next class is being held May 5th & 6th.  He claims he'll be attending that one too.  This one basically educates us on how to take care of Serenity. When he found out about this class his response was "I already know how to take care of a baby."  Who am I to force him into going when he doesn't want to go.  It really sucks to walk into the classroom and see all these couples.  And I have Julie and not the father of my child.  It seems as if everyone but her father seems to show me that they care for her.  So far all I've gotten from him is a text message "I got clothes for her." 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

8 weeks left

So with 8 weeks left, I have yet to get my daughter anything. Kinda feel like a bad mother being so unprepared...but then again, I'm still trying to take care of myself.
I really wish I hadn't maxed out all of my credit cards now....oh of life's lessons.

I've come to the conclusion that I should hope for the best and expect the worst when it comes to Serenity's father. It's a shame that there are other people that cares more for the well-being of me and our daughter than her own father. I guess not all girls can be lucky to have that "special guy." And here I thought Ricky was that "special" apparently, I was seeing the wrong "special." He is...just in a totally different light than what anyone would come to expect of him. I really am looking forward to seeing him "change" after Serenity comes (since everyone believes that he'll magically become a father when she pops I was under the impression that when I found out I was pregnant she existed. But hey, who am I to argue with stubborn hardheaded people like her father?)...but as I stated before...I'm hoping for the best...and expecting the worst.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Pregnancy Glow & a Belly

Who'd a guess? Me...have a belly. LoL. I do now ^_^
and she moves...a lot O_o

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Totally Unexpected

So I had to attend baby classes Tuesday & Wednesday...Ricky was supposed to go with me and at the last minute decided he wasn't going to go. So I invited Julie to attend the class with me. We arrive at the location and we walk into the room and EVERYONE there had their significant other or support person (ie. baby's father) there...and here I was with my best friend. ( Not that I wasn't glad to have someone with me, but it would have been a lot more comfortable if Ricky was there since he is supposedly going to be in the delivery room with me..or not...I dunno what he plans on doing when I go into labor >_< ) Tuesday's class was interesting. They played a video that showed an actually delivery that took place at Woman's Hospital. So those who were in the class had an idea of what took place when we go into labor. They also passed around this plate that showed the different size openings the cervix has to dialate...10 cm...doesn't look so small O_o In a sense I guess I'm scared of what my labor is going to entail...but at the same time I know that once Serenity arrives...every pain that I've been through will all be well worth it.

On Wednesday we went over the different types of sedatives that they offer...All this time I thought that an epidural consisted of a shot, and that was it. Boy was I wrong. They poke along your back...pick a place, inject numbing medicine into your back...then they stick this hollow needle into that hole....and into the needle they stick this flimsy string looking thing...I don't remember what it's called...but after they stick that string thing in, they tape it to your backside. Totally NOT what I expected an epidural to be...Just watching that video just made up my mind that I do not want an epidural.

Sometimes when I go places...I see all these happy couples and here I am...depressed, stressed, totally and utterly clueless at what's going on. I guess some relationships are not meant to be...and Ricky and I fall into that category. Still...Serenity is coming within ten weeks and we are her parents...There are a lot of decisions that I am having to make. I've heard many sides to all the choices and I'm still torn at what needs to be done. There are pros and cons to do and not to do it...and I'm hoping that by the time Serenity arrives, my mind will have made its decision.

Lately I've been on an emotional rollercoaster. Up & down and up & down...I know it's not good for Serenity to go through what I'm going through...and I hate that I am going through all this with Ricky..a.nd it's like she's in the middle...because of me. And because of him. He & I are both to blame for the stress that I am going through...but in a sense I gotta be stronger and try not to worry so much, right? I mean seriously...If I'm hurting...I know that Serenity is feeling the same thing I'm she's hurting too.

Aside from the non-relationship that her father and I have...things with my insurance and medicaid is going crazy too! When I first found out I was pregnant I only had medicaid. Cox was still filing the paperwork for my insurance. Apparently at Woman's Hospital...the obgyn visits don't take medicaid as a secondary insurance, so therefore I will be responsible for the out-of-pocket portion of the premiums. So far that adds up to about $956.47...With some more doctor visits to attend to. But on the brightside, there is a program called LAHIP that could possible help with the $956.47 that I have accrued. I'll find out in like a week and half if they are able to help me...I'm praying that they can.

It still amazes me that it takes two people to create a life...and here I am. Alone. By myself. Without him along side me. And for the first time ever since I found out I have a baby growing inside of me, I'm okay without him. Of course, I'd rather if he was here...but with or without him Serenity and I will be okay. As I sit here typing she's got the hiccups. I can feel her bouncing inside of me. I guess after 7 and a half months I finally see that things that I've requested from Ricky was not just for me...but for her as well. And if he refuses than he refuses us. For example, the baby classes...there's one more coming in May that we have to attend and I don't even know if he plans on going to that one...but it's not for me that I ask him to go. It's for her. I'm done fighting for a relationship to blossom between him and me. And I've realized that. A lot of people have it in their heads that he'll change when Serenity comes. I could care less. If he changes...hopefully it'll be for the better. And if he doesn't...I'll still love him. And so will our daughter. With 10 weeks left of this pregnancy and he has yet to show anything towards our daughter...I don't even know what I'm supposed to expect from him when she is here. Once I found out I was pregnant mommy mode kicked in. Prior to me getting a baby bump I could understand that he would be reluctant to realize that there is a baby inside of me...but now, at 31 can't look at me and say that I'm not pregnant...who knows. Maybe he's the type of guy that needs to physically see the baby before daddy mode kicks in. I don't know. I just know that after all this time I have trying to see something that is not there. I don't know. If I did...I don't think I would be going through half of the stuff that I am going through :/ Ricky is Serenity's father...and only he can prove to us that he wants to be her father. I just hope that when he realizes that won't be too late.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday April 5, 2008

If I’m a Bitch, than you’re an Inconsiderate Asshole

    It amazes me how some guys think that woman are over dramatic, bitchy, and out right annoying.
What amazes me even more is that if these guys knew how to treat their woman properly then maybe we wouldn’t be so over dramatic, bitchy, and out right annoying. 

I’m 7 and a half months pregnant and apparently between Serenity’s father and I, only he is having a stressful time. 

He’s right.

Our relationship won’t work.
Why? Simple.
I’m too much of a Bitch.
He’s too much of an Inconsiderate Asshole.

I guess this whole journey of trying to make this work really is not worth all the pain and suffering that he’s causing me to go through.