Confessions of a Single Mother

Welcome to Dear Serenity. An online journal I am keeping for my baby girl. I hope that as she grows older she will see how much she is loved by everyone and some major events that happened in her life. Something she will never remember, but I will never forget.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Golden Birthday!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Serenity!
Happy birthday to you!

Your birthday has just began! And you have already left me :(
It's okay though. It's for a good cause. It's for Auntie Emaly's wedding in Houston.
Auntie Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, Veronica, Bianca, and yourself...all on your way.

Your Daddy also wishes you a Happy Birthday.
He actually wished it yesterday.
After he texted to let me know he had some money for you.
I'm very surprised at what your Daddy is doing. He's actually making an effort.
Could he be doing much more? Of course. But I'm not going to push for a mile when he's only giving us an inch. Or however that saying goes...

For example, he's been keeping up his end of the court order to see you every other weekend from Friday to Sunday.  Amazingly, he's been late picking you up since the order was set, but on the upside, he's brought you back on time so far.  Not only that, but last weekend when you were with him, you were not in the best of moods.
Apparently you were sick. You ended up getting a fever, and your Daddy was steadily giving you Benedryl. (Of course, this is AFTER I texted him to let him know you would need some children's tylenol and motrin since you've been getting sick easily with the weather changing and all.  I guess even know your Daddy still doesn't believe me)  He wanted me to give him your insurance information so he can take you to the hospital.  Oh, I've been down this road with you before. No need for the hospital.  Heck, Moon stayed up till 3 AM one night to make sure you broke your fever!  So, I told your Daddy, you are not to be taken to the hospital.  You just needed the correct medicine. 
This was at 2:00 AM.  I had the medicine available, and so Moon and I drove to your Daddy's place.
When we got there, I entered your Daddy's apartment.  To be honest, I'm surprised how little the place is.  Of course, it's really quaint, but really small.  After about 10 steps you would reach the end of the apartment.  All your Daddy had was a couch and your playhouse in the living room...and in the bedroom a dresser, a cabinet of some sort, and 2 tvs.  You were on the bed with only your diapers on.  Your Daddy and Thelma had been trying to cool you down with some wet napkins and towels. 
I showed your Daddy the correct dosage you would need, and right away you started to be yourself.  You grabbed the crayons and your bag.  You grabbed the flash cards. You colored with Mommy and Daddy.  You were my princess running and laughing again. 

To tell you the truth baby girl, I didn't know what to expect whenever I entered your Daddy's apartment.  I must say, I am surprised to see how much you love him...and unfortunately, lucky for your Daddy, you are too young to realized what exactly happened and why it happened the way it did.  Of course, the past is the past and learn to forgive.  But I will never forget.  Too bad though.  What you won't remember, I won't forget.

Although I must say, if your Daddy messes this up's all on him.  I paid for the paperwork and the lawyer.  All he has to do now is fork over some money for you and show up to get you and drop you off every other weekend.  YAY!  The first time you went with Daddy, you cried when you came home.  However, the 2nd time you went and came home, you were okay.  You asked about your Daddy both times, but it's expected I guess.  I'm sure Daddy spoils you when you are with him while I scold you and do not let you get your way.  Just remember, when you have your own kids, you will thank me later.  I have a looonnngg way before that ever happens! Thank goodness!

I hope that both of our dreams and wishes come true. And I am so looking forward to many many more years with you.  No matter how old you may get, just remember a few things:
-I am your mother
-I will love you like no other
-You will always be my little Princess
-You will not always get it your way.  I am not Burger King.
-Your Daddy loves you very much
-All your aunts and uncles love you too
-So does your cousins!
-And if you were to have a sibling, they would love you too.

It's been an hour since you've left with them for Houston. 
I will be hoping that tomorrow goes by quick so that I get to see your smiling face and hear you asking me to pick you up or that you want sprite...or ice cream...or all the above.

Hugs and Kisses forever and always,


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